Monday, February 18, 2013

Legendary Weapon Wipeout


With 27 Mystic Clovers remaining until I finally complete my Kudzu, I can safely say there has been nothing legendary about its construction. Arduous or laborious, yes, but not legendary. I would also go as far as to state that constructing a legendary weapon almost killed all the passion I had for Guild Wars 2.

Fundamentally, a legendary weapon requires little more than money. If you have it, at least 80% of it can be completed in moments (if you don’t, I dread to think). In my circumstance, my buy orders for Leaf of Kudzu and Tier 6 crafting materials were fulfilled in around thirty minutes, I then finished up by heading over to Frost gorge Sound to buy Icy Runes tones. This ease of access through wealth lead me to believe the endeavour would be quick and painless, but the reality is that there are several obstacles designed to unnecessarily protract the progress; Gift of Mastery and Mystic Clovers.

For those who don’t know, the Gift of Mastery requires 250 Obsidian Shards (2100 Karma each, or numerous Fractal Relics/Laurels) Gift of Exploration (100% World Completion), Bloodstone Shard (200 Skill Points), Gift of Battle (500 tokens from WvW) and finally Mystic Clovers as part of the Gift of Fortune.

If you are thinking about constructing a Legendary weapon, I would sincerely advise you break down the above list into time versus enjoyment. World Completion and the Bloodstone Shard go hand in hand and are relatively simple (albeit incredibly slow) and made significantly worse if you have a profession which isn't blessed with reliable swiftness. Unfortunately for me, I complete this on my Mesmer, which was nothing short of agony when relying on a 13 second swiftness and Blink. This then leaves hundreds of thousands of Karma remaining for your Mystic Clovers and Obsidian Shards. The former, single handily has to be the worst addition to Guild Wars 2.

I can only assume the individual who designed Mystic Clovers and thought it was a good idea, missed the memo on “fun”. Having used hundreds upon hundreds of Obsidian Shards, I only have 50 Mystic Clovers. With a 30% chance to obtain one, it’s a miserable experience and protracting a process just for the sake of it. This continued focus on the Mystic Forge and random results is not only cruel, but also undermines everything ArenaNet attempted to achieve when they designed Guild Wars 2.

I understand that obtaining a Legendary item should be difficult and time consuming, but not in this fashion. I haven’t done anything “Legendary” in order to obtain mine. I haven’t killed a dragon, completed every dungeon, plucked a feather from a rare moa bird or taken part in a scripted quest chain. Instead, I've saved 1000 gold, placed orders on the Trading Post and ran between 5 Way points in the Cursed Shores to obtain the Karma I need. How is any of this reflective of the weapons legendary status? guild wars 2 gold

The irony of all this is the fact that I set about creating this Kudzu to sell, having already sold two Bolts between two other friends for 3333g and 3000g (they did ALL the work). However, the thought of doing it again, by myself leaves me reeling, so much so I've decided just to equip it when it’s finished.

Were I to suggest a fix for the acquisition of a Legendary weapon, it would simply be a quest chain that mirrored that of the Paladin or Warlocks in World of Warcraft that sent you to the ends of the world and back in order to obtain your unique mount. Using this as a framework (that also leads to obtaining a precursor), while removing all RNG from the process would make it a much more enjoyable experience. As it currently stands however, you’ll find me on Desolation, wild eyed and dishevelled, continuing to run events on the Cursed Shores.
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